Tuesday, October 12, 2010

In Bruges - Kinda like the movie with less violence

One of the canals in the city of Bruges.

This is a wall with only Belgium beers and the beer's corresponding glass
Me in front of the one of the city's canals
Fall colors.

Bruges is a very beautiful city.  Unfornuately, we did not have enough time to take a canal ride.  One of the churches in Bruges claims to have the blood of Christ in it.  But the blood is on display only at specific times to the public so we were not able to do.  Also, it appeared that the watchtower was closed due to construction so we were unable to do that as well. 

We did get a wonderful tour of the city.  Bruges is called the "egg city" because of its shape and the way it developed.  Bruges has two parts the yolk and the white stuff.

We watched the movie In Bruges before we came to this town. 

One of the canals was filled with swans and ducks.  It was pretty beautiful.

Me in front of one of the canals of the outer city

Statue of Michangelo - the only one outside of Italy.

One of the four horsemen

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