Monday, October 4, 2010

Half the Battle - Make up Artist Again

I was the makeup artist for Half the Battle. Half the Battle is three one-act plays, one of three plays performs in a competition in K-town.

The roles of the actors that I had to apply makeup on: a spotted man, an ape-like man, male ants and one normal Stage manager.

By the way, I found out that the make up won first place in the award show. 

This is Mike.  He had spots all over his body and he was down to only his boxers and socks at certain parts in the play.  And the map of Italy on his lower back.

The spotted man and the ape like man.  I did their makeup but not Kim's.
More pictures of the makeup or shall I say face paint that I did.
Here are the ants that I did the makeup for.  And I made the sparkly swirls on the queen ant.
The Queen and her swirls that I painted on.
Matt, male ant (droid), me, Julee and Jake, male ant.... I did these boys' makeup.
Here is my painting of Italy.

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