Wednesday, June 2, 2010


My mom and me in the Grand Palace. Breath-taking.

My mom and me in front of Manneken Pis. There is some legend about a little boy peeing

The astro something

Overall, I was not that impressed by Brussels. It is an industrious city with little else other than being the Center of the European Union. So basically all you see are banks and lameo stuff like that. I had a Belgium waffle it was pretty good. I bought expensive Belgium chocolate and was not impressed. Although I had a Belgium chocolate cookie and it was awesome.

Although my distaste may be to due other factors such as poor weather and the third day of crazy travel having been in London and Amsterdam the previous two days. However, my mom brought up a validate point when she said, if the best thing your city has to offer is a naked peeing boy then there is not too much to your city.

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