Wednesday, June 2, 2010


One of the places selling tulip bulbs and stuff in the flower market.

My mom and me in front of the Anne Frank house. Only about a hour or less wait to get in. Crazy! You hear that it can take up four hours to get in on a Saturday so we were very lucky. It was very interesting. A lot more in depth and informative than I thought it would be. I did cry during part of the exhibit.

On a side note, notice the shirts that my mom and I are wearing. MN love!

The canals with bikes in Amsterdam. I think this is the UNICEF group that was in Amsterdam.

My mom and me on the boat ride through the canals.

Amsterdam is a cool city. It is a little because there are so many tourists and the canals make it a little difficult to spread people out. I am really glad I did the Anne Frank House, it was definitely worth seeings. Afterwards my mom and I tried to make to the Rijksmuseum but we decided to have lunch and things ran a little late. So instead of having a hurriedly (and therefore not fun in my opinion) visit we walked the streets of Amsterdam. We went through the flower market and saw all the different types of tulips you could purchase.

On a funny note, we ate a buffet breakfast in the red light district of Amsterdam. Luckily there is no action going on that early in the morning.

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