Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Halloween in Gemany

This probably not the best picture to share but this guy was ridiculous with his costume.  Jack in one and Coke in the other.

Nicole, my co-worker on the right, made her costume that day and it was made from her bridesmaid dress when her cousin got married.  I am not sure if you can tell from this picture but she glued Christmas ornaments all over her dress.  It sounded like she made the costume from a hot glue gun and without doing any actual sewing.  That is an accomplishment.

Lisa, the pirate and Me as Marilyn.  Boo, some of you may say since I was Marilyn before.  But I had no costume and went to the thrift a week before the party and it was either this or a figure skater without skates.  I choose the easy costume.

Vanessa with a jellyfish.

Supposedly Halloween is not a German thing but has been getting more popular in recent years.  Since it is not a traditional holiday here, there are some hilarious stories about what the German kids think they should do to obtain candy, some sing and some just stand there.  We did not have any trick-or-treaters.

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