Sunday, April 18, 2010

Kulinarische Wanderung in Oppenheim


The ruins at the last wine booth.
Me at the last booth on what should have been my ninth glass but was truly my tenth wine sample of the day.
I liked the strawberry wine so much and tried to buy a bottle but did not have enough money so the man in the booth gave a full glass for free so this is me trying to drink both my sample and my full glass at the same time.
The sheet indicating what booths we have visited. This is the seventh one.
Here I am standing in the vineyards of Germany

On April 18th, my parents and I went to Oppenheim for the Kulinarische Wanderung. We paid five Euros and received a lanyard with a glass. There were nine stands where you could sample the wine and there were food stands at each one where you could purchase food. It was a beautiful day and I learned that I like strawberry wine. In fact I liked the strawberry wine so much that the person working at the booth gave a full free glass of it. The last stand was in the ruins. At the end of the tour, you got a free gift of a bottle of beer, a bottle of wine or a bottle of water, your choice.

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