Tuesday, September 7, 2010


Church in Munchen

This is what happens if you do snuff.... You cry. and blow your nose. And then cry a little more.

This is me at the Hofbrauhaus with my Liter beer. Hoorah

I enjoyed Munich quite a bit. The people in Munich are nicer than those in my town of Wiesbaden. (Hessen, the state I live in, is the word that Germans use to call someone rude like a New Yorker for those of us Americans).

I drank a liter beer at the world famous beer hall, Hofbrauhaus, and definitely felt it afterwards. Apparently, the alcohol content in Germany is higher than in the states. Not that I would truly know since as many of you know, I am not a beer drinker. And the Hofbrauhaus is sorta dirty and it is loud but that is kinda refreshing. Unless the German team is winning, Germans seem to be more reserved ad quiet than Americans. Sadly, we went to the Hofbrauhaus the day that Germany lost a World Cup game.

I ate delicious Bavarian food during my stay in Munchen. Including many types of sausages.

I snorted snuff for the second time in my life (first time was at a German restaurant in Minneapolis) and regretted it a second time. Snuff is flavored tobacco that they shoot up your nose. But when in Munchen.....


this is me turning the "local" (aka non-tourist) ring on the gold fountain

This is the Baroque garden where Tabea's family is buried.

Gold Fountain

This is city that I have repeatedly travel to throughout my life. When I was an exchange student in high school, we came to this city for the Christkindlesmarkt. And I keep bringing my parents because Tabea's father, Gunther, is the best tour guide.

And it one of few (perhaps only one) cities in Germany with two large churches.

Mallorca - The Spanish Island

flamenco dancers at the hotel

Look how clear the sea is.




View from the sea looking at the hotel

Me in the sea


View from the plane... Mallorca

My Labor Day weekend was spent with Marie and Amanda relaxing in the sun and swimming in the Mediterranean Sea. It is a vacation spot for many Germans and Brits or so I have heard. I did meet some Brits and did hear some people speaking in German.